Steve Eggleston
Writer-for-Hire Services: Ghostwriter, Co-writer, Collaborator, Story Editor, Consultant – for fiction and non-fiction, biographies and memoirs, historical and legal, inspirationals and how-tos, thrillers & more.
Steve Eggleston
Writer-for-Hire Services: Ghostwriter, Co-writer, Collaborator, Story Editor, Consultant – for fiction and non-fiction, biographies and memoirs, historical and legal, inspirationals and how-tos, thrillers & more.
Critically-Acclaimed Works
We all tell stories for different reasons. Sometimes to document our past for our family; other times to illustrate our achievements and inspire others; sometimes to create memorable fiction; and, occasionally, to expose a horrible wrong or injustice. No matter what your goal, I can help you write your story in your voice and from your perspective, with the distinct possibility of landing a book deal, TV series, or motion picture possibility.
The Long Way Home
Lift Up Your Head
Flatline: The Day London Died
Conquering Your Adversities
Ghostwriter Steve Eggleston Is Ready To Help You
Tell Your Big Story
You have a story you want to tell…
If you want to get straight to the point, fill out the quick and easy form below and I’ll be in touch to schedule our free consultation - or fill out the form and WhatsApp or call me at my international number: +44 (0)7784 850 751
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