
“The Fast Diabetes Solution,” by Suzanne Ridley with Steve Eggleston (2017)

“The Fast Diabetes Solution”

70,000-word Non-fiction Diabetes Book

My review when the book was done — thank you, Pat and Suzanne!

“It is hard to articulate exactly how much of an impact Steve has had on my project. His knowledge, experience, and command of the English vocabulary transformed my ideas into an amazingly powerful book. I don’t really need to give him a testimonial because all you need to do is read his work … Do that, and you will know he is the one!!! It was the best decision I made. Thank you Steve! You are forever a part of our book that we wrote together. I know our message will change many lives. It has been a real pleasure working with such a professional, a gentleman, and down to earth guy who has his heart in the right place and is a true master of his craft. Look forward to the next book ;)”

Here’s the backstory:

Pat Ridley, son of my co-author Suzanne Ridley, posted a job on Upwork, to which I applied along with many others. With my deep knowledge of diet, sugar, and diabetes, I thought a purely non-fiction health book tackling the global epidemic of type 2 diabetes would be rewarding. At first I was a pure ghost, but as I told Pat and Suzanne at the beginning, “if I deliver beyond your expectations, and truly make a difference, will you consider me for a “with” credit remove my ghost’s cloak by putting my name on the cover with yours. True to our mutual promises, I delivered and they graciously added my name. The resulting book, in my opinion, is an undeniable, how-to contribution to the solution of diabetes, on both an individual and global scale. This book will literally save lives and reverse a lifetime of pain, blindness and amputation for many.

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